Reglur haglabyssunar
Hérna eru snilldar Shotgun reglur. Og hér með tilnefni ég Egil a Shotgun Gaper....... það hreinlega passar allt við þessa lýsingu að neðan
The Shotgun Gaper
Gapers (gay-pers) are people who prioritize Shotgun much more than a normal human being. These people will alter their usual behavior and even undermine their own ethics in order to gain the rights to Shotgun. They do this through legal means however, such as sprinting for doors, so they cannot be voided. The term gaper was originally given to Will Henderson who once rode Shotgun for 2 months straight. The advantage to being a Shotgun Gaper, of course, is you always get Shotgun. Being a Shotgun Gaper, however, is frowned upon.